February 26, 2016

You can have this healthy meal any time of day — here are the buddha bowl basics


Buddha bowl, hippie bowl, sunshine bowl, glory bowl, power bowl and grain bowl. No matter what you call it, these dishes have one thing in common: delicious, healthy goodness.

There are five steps to constructing a Buddha bowl, but they are very loose steps, easily tailored to your taste buds. The best part about a well-constructed Buddha bowl is that it’s easy to make and will fill you up on health-revving nutrients and vitamins.

How to make a Buddha bowl

  1. Grab your grain. It could be last night’s brown rice, or you can cook up fresh couscous or polenta. For a breakfast bowl, consider starting with oatmeal and “pseudo-cereal” grain quinoa.
  2. Add some veggies. This is where your bowl could take a turn to reflect a salad or become a heartier dish. Consider raw leafy greens such as spinach, arugula and kale. But also cook up seasonal vegetables like mushrooms, cauliflower and sweet potatoes. For breakfast, swap veggies for fruit. Top your grains with seasonal berries and sliced bananas.
  3. Pick your protein. As with the grains, check out the fridge for leftovers that could use a boost. Or consider cooking up chicken, salmon or turkey. For a breakfast bowl, scramble or poach an egg (the yolk makes a great sauce!).
  4. Add a sauce. Another chance to get creative, this time with your condiments. Sriracha, vinaigrette, peanut sauce, tahini and pesto can all be tasty toppings. For breakfast, sweeten up your bowl with a touch of honey, sugar-free syrup or microwaved berries.
  5. Making bowls for a date? Add color to your bowl with pickled radishes or avocado slices. Want a little extra oomph? Top your bowl off with nuts or seeds, or sprinkle the dish with herbs. For breakfast, garnish with sliced toasted almonds or coconut chips.


Now that you know the Buddha bowl basics, check out these tasty variations: